Frequently asked questions

Applying to college is exciting, but also brings up a lot of questions. Below are some questions we are frequently asked. If you have additional questions, please contact us at We want to help you through this exciting time.

Do I need to submit SAT or ACT Scores??

Beginning for most students applying for fall 2021, we are test optional. This means you get to decide whether you submit test scores or not. Click here to learn more about our test optional policies.

I'm a transfer student. Do I need to submit SAT or ACT Scores?

SAT或ACT考试成绩只需要少于24个可转移学期单元的学生. Most students applying for the fall 2021 semester, may apply test optional. Click here to learn more.

Are interviews required?

We do not require interviews as a part of the admissions process, however we love to speak to future bulldogs! Informal appointments with admissions counselors may be requested here. Appointments are approximately 30 minutes long. 这是我们的招生顾问更好地了解你并解释录取过程的机会.

Can't make it to Redlands? We're happy to meet with interested students while we are on the road. 我们喜欢探索我们的领地,总是想知道当地最好的咖啡店在哪里! Click here 去见你的辅导员看看他们今年秋天会不会来,或者给我们发 email.

When and where can I apply?

The University of Redlands exclusively accepts the Common Application for first-year students.  

First-year and International applicants can apply for admission by one of our three deadlines:
Binding Early Decision: November 15
Non-binding Early Action: November 15
Regular Decision: January 15

The University of Redlands accepts the Common Application or University of Redlands application for transfer students.

Transfers applicants should follow our priority deadlines:
Fall semester:
March 1
Spring semester: November 1.

申请可以在上述截止日期之后提交. Please contact our office at (800) 455-5064 for more information.

How can I apply for scholarships?

所有学生在申请时都会自动被考虑为择优奖学金. Click here to find more information about scholarships.

First-year Students interested in talent scholarships in Art, Theatre Arts, Creative Writing or Music must complete a supplemental application. Students must apply by the January 15 deadline to be considered. Find more information here.

We encourage you to look for outside private scholarships. It may require some additional research, but there are thousands of dollars that are unclaimed every year. These scholarships can be applied to your financial aid as well.

Do I have to declare a major when I apply?

No. 威尼斯人平台(University of Redlands)为学生提供两年的时间来探索文科,然后选择一个(或两个)专业!). If you are interested in the Johnston Center for Integrative Studies, students must apply for this major at the time of their application. 对音乐学院感兴趣的学生必须提交补充申请和试镜.  Click here to learn more. 我们鼓励学生在共同申请中分享他们的学术兴趣.

When can I expect to hear of my decision?

Decisions will be released to the admissions application status portal. 提前行动和提前决定申请人将在1月中旬听到他们的决定, and Regular Decision applicants will hear by mid-March. Please check your email for your log in credentials.  These were emailed to you at the time of your application submission.

Do all of my supporting documents (letters of recommendation, test scores and transcripts) need to be received by the deadline?

We realize that supporting documents are not controlled by you, therefore we ask that your Common Application is received by the deadline. 当证明文件到达时,我们将确保它们与您的申请相匹配. 在收到所需的所有文件并完成申请之前,我们不会审查申请. 要查看您的状态,请参考通过电子邮件发送给您的链接,用户名和密码.

How can I make my application stand out?


We are all about community, and we want to know how you are involved in yours. Tell us about all of your commitments - do you work at a part-time job? Volunteer? Have family responsibilities? Let us know in the Activities section of the Common Application.

我们喜欢通过你的个人陈述和威尼斯人平台的补充材料了解更多关于你的信息. 确保给你的文章应有的个人关注——校对和做你自己——问题没有正确的答案!

What classes do you recommend taking in high school?


Recommended Years


4 years


3 years

Foreign Language


Laboratory Science


Social Studies


*We strongly recommend completing algebra II, at the minimum. 

Applications are reviewed using a weighted 10-12 academic GPA. 不需要单一的学习时间表,但强烈建议参加大学预科课程.

How can I visit campus?

Click here 看到我们为你提供的无数机会来参观威尼斯人平台.

How can I become a Bulldog athlete?

威尼斯人平台有21个三级运动队参加南加州校际体育大会(SCIAC)。. 为了显示您对潜在的斗牛犬队的兴趣,请访问我们的 athletics site and fill out the athletic inquiry form.

How can I apply for financial aid?

我们鼓励所有的家庭完成免费申请联邦学生援助,或FAFSA,在 The application is due by March 2nd. For more information, please visit Student Financial Services. Students do not have to be admitted prior to filling out the FAFSA form. 只有被录取的学生才会收到有关经济援助计划的信息. The University of Redlands school code is 001322.


Yes. 蒙特雷国际研究学院(Monterey Institute of International Studies)强化英语作为第二语言课程很高兴宣布与威尼斯人平台(University of Redlands)达成协议, CA. 该协议将为威尼斯人平台有条件录取的学生提供高质量的学术英语准备. 这些学生将准备在大学里茁壮成长,并以他们的全球视野丰富雷德兰兹校园. 威尼斯人平台是一所杰出的四年制大学,位于加利福尼亚州雷德兰兹. 雷德兰兹还提供有限的研究生和专业课程选择.

MIIS和雷德兰兹已经同意,雷德兰兹需要额外英语语言培训的申请人可以有条件地被雷德兰兹录取,要求他们完成MIIS IESL课程的英语课程. There are two pathways for this agreement:

1.       申请威尼斯人平台秋季学期入学的学生,托福成绩在72到79之间(总分不低于18分),可以有条件地被录取为春季学期的学生,并被要求参加MIIS的IESL课程的秋季课程. 所有IESL课程的核心课程成绩达到B或以上并保持满意出勤率的学生可以获得雷德兰兹春季学期的全部录取. 

2.       托福成绩在65到79之间的学生(没有低于16分的分数)可以有条件地被威尼斯人平台任何学期录取,要求他们参加MIIS的IESL课程. 完成MIIS IESL课程所有核心课程6级并保持满意出勤率的学生可以在下个学期获得威尼斯人平台的全部录取.

Questions about admission to University of Redlands can be directed to

关于MIIS IESL课程入学的问题可以直接问Marilu Bonilla, Learner Services Coordinator, at

I applied to the University within the last year but did not attend. Can I reapply?

  • 重新申请是针对去年以前申请威尼斯人平台的学生, but did not attend.
  • 如果你想重新申请威尼斯人平台,请发邮件给凯莉·穆德 requesting a reapplication. She will send you an email giving you access to the application. 如果您有任何问题,请随时给Kylie Mulder发电子邮件或致电(909)748-8074.

I attended the University, but left before completing my degree. Am I able to come back to finish my degree?

重新录取的对象是以前就读于威尼斯人平台的学生, left before completing their degree, but did not graduate from anywhere else.

如果你想再次进入威尼斯人平台完成你的本科学位, please email Kylie Mulder at requesting the readmission application. She will send you an email giving you access to the application. 如果您有任何问题,请随时给Kylie Mulder发电子邮件或致电(909)748-8074.